As I began preparing an upcoming Rainbow Theme unit for Ladybug, I realized that this year I wanted to focus on more then just the colors of the rainbow. I wanted to do something to focus on the diversity of God’s children. I put together a new mini printable pack, featuring diversity in children along with the rainbows. You could add these printables in with the Rainbow Printables I shared previously.
If I am being totally honest, we are having a bit of a personal struggle with our daughter right now. She gets told how cute she is a lot, and we think she has internalized this to believe she is cuter than other kids. This has carried over to noticing differences in other children and her telling me they aren’t “pretty” like her {queue Mommy failure feelings and deep sadness}. I hope to use these printables {and many other real life moments, especially since we live in an extremely diverse neighborhood}, to reinforce that all of God’s children are beautiful. Yes, it saddens me to even admit this publicly, but I feel it’s important to share that even with the best of intentions…it still happens. I pray she will grow to love people, all kinds of people, with a compassionate, graceful, and amazing Godly love. I pray I can help lead her to this place.
Now that my mommy guts have been poured out for you, here’s a peek at the printables I created.
I chose the song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children” to include, for obvious reasons! I included 3 versions {a display song and 2 coloring options}.
Another feature of the pack is photographs of real children! I spent much time choosing specific photos that highlighted differences, joy, and friendship.
Finally I combined some fun clipart of diverse children and rainbows to make a few various printables.
You can download these Rainbow of Diversity Printables here!
See more Rainbow ideas…