
Spring Theme Kindergarten Printables
{disclaimer – affiliate links are used in this post} I needed some specific activities to use with my Kindergarten students and wanted a new theme {ages 4 and 5} so I created...

Rainbow Books for Kids with Editable Library Checklist
Print out our book checklist and get to the library to grab some fun RAINBOW books for your kids! Want to add more books to your list? Just edit the...

Rainbow Unit Study with Ivy Kids Kits
{disclaimer ~ Ivy Kids is a blog sponsor and sent us a kit for this review} Ivy Kids Kits rock! We have been reviewing kits for a long time...

Fun with Rainbows Mini Printable Pack
I just love rainbows and love that God created such a beautiful symbol for us to always remember His promise. I have a new Rainbow Fun Mini Pack for you...

Rainbow Theme Printables and Ideas
We have many Rainbow Theme Printables and Ideas that have been shared on our blog over the years. In this post I will share them all so you can easily...

Rainbow Q-Tip Painting Printables
I love rainbows and I love Q-Tip painting, so of course we needed a new rainbow q-tip painting printable set! This set has a variety of fun rainbow printables to...

Rainbow Crafts for Tots and Preschoolers
We have enjoyed several fun rainbow crafts over the years and I am pulling them all together in this post for you! These crafts were all done with my daughter...

God’s Rainbow of Diversity Printables
As I began preparing an upcoming Rainbow Theme unit for Ladybug, I realized that this year I wanted to focus on more then just the colors of the rainbow. I...

Hands On Rainbows & Toys, Crafts, Books
I had so much fun choosing toys, crafts, books, and manipulatives for Ladybug’s Rainbow theme, I thought I would share some of our hands-on ideas all in one place! ...

Rainbow Theme Tot School
~Ladybug is currently 35 months old~ Here is her desk set up for Rainbow Week… Her book basket has mostly COLOR books, a few rainbow books too. I picked colorful...

Rainbow Tot Pack
Ladybug LOVES the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow. My mom began singing it to her a long time ago and it has been a nightly song for her ever since. ...

Spring Fun Tot Pack
Spring is in the air! Download our FREE printables featuring kites, flowers, baby animals, Easter, butterflies and more! Loads of fun for tots and preschoolers during springtime! See blog posts...