We have enjoyed several fun rainbow crafts over the years and I am pulling them all together in this post for you! These crafts were all done with my daughter when she was a tot, and honestly we might do some of them again this year! She was almost three in all of these photos. You can see the original Rainbow Theme Tot School post here!
Marble Painted Rainbow
Use our rainbow template {included within our Rainbow Tot Pack} or draw one of your own. We printed ours on white cardstock. Use a cardboard box the size of the paper or tape the edges of the paper to the bottom of the box so it will stay in place. Use a marble to roll around the box. We add squeezes of rainbow colors as we go. It’s a GREAT motor skills activity for young kids to try to move the marble where they want it to go!
Remove the paper from the box and let dry.
Cut out your rainbow shape!
Rainbow Cloud
Every early childhood teacher has seen this rainbow craft for sure. But just in case you’ve missed it, here’s one of our old favorites, the rainbow cloud. Pre-cut strips of rainbow colored construction paper and a white cloud. Let your child help you as able, to glue the strips to the cloud.
Smear white glue on the cloud and add cotton balls! All done! I still remember Ladybug freaking out over the glue and cotton ball experience and also insisting that the blue piece be in the middle instead of the proper order!
Rainbow Chain
This is also an oldie, but so simple and fun for tots. Pre-cut the rainbow color strips of paper for your tot, then work together linking them together! She LOVED this, and it was so easy!
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
When my daughter was a toddler she loved the song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, we sang it every night. In honor of this love I created a Rainbow Tot Pack and included a song printable and props to use with the song.
I premade the song props by printing, laminating, cutting out, and taping to colored craft sticks.
I then precut rainbow colored pipe cleaners and got a small piece of foam. My daughter helped me build the rainbow and we used it while we sang the song!
Follow {1plus1plus1} Carisa’s board Rainbow Theme on Pinterest.