USA Geography Wrap-Up
We had a fun year with USA Geography in our homeschool and I thought I’d do a wrap-up post to share what we thought about how our year of learning...
A Simple World Geography Plan ~ with Notebooking and Map Printables
Near the end of last year we began a new world geography plan and completed North America, I even shared the free printables here. Over the summer I did some...
USA Geography PowerPoint Updated
Years ago I created the USA Geography PowerPoint and used it to teach my oldest son basic facts about U.S. states. I will be using this PowerPoint show this coming...
World Geography Country Printables
I wanted a simple world geography homeschool curriculum to use with all three of my kids in Kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 7th grade. I started with purchasing Geography & Cultures...
Continent Box ~ Australia
We enjoyed our recent North America Continent Box and the kids really got into it with the addition of the Continent Box Challenge. I was excited to get another box...
Continent Box Challenge {with Printables}
We have created and used 2 continent boxes {Europe and North America} in one year, and I still hope to create the remaining 5 and use them along with these...
Continent Box ~ North America
We enjoyed our Europe Continent Box and then I fell off the wagon. I had grand plans for the year, but just got behind in prep time. But finally,...
Continent Boxes ~ Europe
I have had “create continent boxes” on my to-do list for over a year! Finally I am getting started! I started with Europe since the Olympics are in London, and...