Tot School
Tot School ~ Dora
~Ladybug is currently 29 months old~ We took a week off of Tot School Printables so we could throw in a fun Dora week. A blogging friend sent us...

Tot School Printables ~ ABC Flashcards
I finally finished the entire set of review flashcards for the Tot School Printables. Each color corresponds with the image and color for the unit. There is a color set…...

Tot School ~ Letter Qq
~Ladybug is currently 28.5 months old~ Letter: Qq Object: Queen Vocabulary Development Theme: Royalty You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage....
Tot School ~ At the Beach
~Ladybug is currently 28.5 months old~ Ladybug spent the week in Myrtle Beach, SC this past week, we just returned today. She did NOT like the sand. A more...
Tot School
~Ladybug is currently 28.5 months old~ We had a very off week for our last week of “summer school". We were hit with a mild version of Irene, resulting...
Tot School ~ Camping comes to life!
~Ladybug is currently 28 months old~ Our theme of the week ~ CAMPING ~ came alive for Ladybug this past week! We went to a camp {actually the same...

Tot School ~ Letter Pp
~Ladybug is currently 28 months old~ Still off of official school around here, we officially start back on Sept 12, after our kick off the school year trip to the...

Tot School ~ Letter Oo {part 2}
~Ladybug is currently 27.5 months old~ Again, we have had a very low key school week, without any sort of schedule. Ladybug was content playing outside mostly so we...

Tot School ~ Letter Oo {part 1}
~Ladybug is currently 27.5 months old~ Again, we have had a very low key school week, without any sort of schedule. Ladybug was content playing outside mostly so we actually...

Tot School ~ Letter Nn…part 2
~Ladybug is currently 26.5 months old~ We have had a very low key school week, without any sort of schedule. Ladybug insists on school daily though so we did do...
Tot School ~ At the Beach
~Ladybug is currently 26.5 months old~ It’s all fun LIFE school at the beach! Here’s a glimpse into Ladybug’s fun on vacation this past week… Our girl read every page...

Tot School ~ Letter Nn / Bugs
~Ladybug is currently 26.5 months old~ Letter: Nn Object: Net Vocabulary Development Theme: Bugs You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage....