Tot School

Tot School ~ Letter Ee
~Ladybug is currently 24 months old~ Letter: Ee Object: Eggs Vocabulary Development Theme: Food/Kitchen {and a continuation of birds} You can find the printables for this unit here on...

Tot School ~ Letter Dd
~Ladybug is currently 24 months old~ Letter: Dd Object: Ducks Vocabulary Development Theme: Birds You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage....

Tot School ~ Letter Cc
~Ladybug is currently 23.5 months old~ Letter: Cc Object: Cats Vocabulary Development Theme: Pets You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage. To...
Tot School ~ At Sea!!!
We have been away this past week on a dream cruise vacation with my parents! Ladybug enjoyed herself thoroughly, and was just awesome! She really seemed to love every minute...
Tot School ~ 23 Months…Letter Bb
~Ladybug is currently 23 months old~ We had a GREAT week!!! I am so glad God gave me the idea of the units, she is really loving them! I have...

Tot School Printables
Edited to add... The Tot School Printables A to Z Bundle is now available! See details here! I am so excited to share my new project with you...
Tot School ~ 23 Months
~Ladybug is currently 23 months old~ We had a busy Tot School week! I was so glad to be home and was reenergized for a full week. Plus, Ladybug isn’t...
Tot School ~ 22.5 months
~Ladybug is currently 22.5 months old~ We have been out of town for almost 2 week and are all very happy to be back home. I LOVE home. Ladybug was...
Tot School ~ Traveling…
~Ladybug is currently 22.5 months old~ We are down south in our hometown for an amazing event at our home church! The Global Impact Celebration is far beyond anything I...
Tot School ~ 22 months
~Ladybug is currently 22 months old~ We had a great week, although she was mildly sick and whiney for most of it, we still played a LOT! Our schedule...
Tot School ~ 22 Months
~Ladybug is currently 22 months old~ Ladybug had her own little transportation themed week, mainly focused around her beloved Cars! I had this waiting for her when she came...
Tot School ~ 21 1/2 Months
~Ladybug is currently 21.5 months old~ She continued to enjoy playing with her Tot School toys in her princess tent. In this shot you can see her playing with...