This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every week, just what I happen to catch! We do the entire unit even if I don’t show it here in the photos!
Our letter this week ~ Pp, our verse: Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God!
As he cut out each vocab card this week, I had him insert it into the cube. We then used the cube to teach Ladybug the words!
Working hard on his craft. First I had him choose 3 colors and color the music notes. Then I cut them out and had him sort them by color,We made a few patterns together and then glued one onto the strip.
Ladybug joined him as he worked on his PowerPoint lesson. His favorite portion is still the counting section. He is really excited to get to 20!
Here’s the photo of his work from the week before I cleared it off {links to the non-RRSP sheets are below}!
{top left: penguin dot paint, top right: penguin color by number}
The Power Point lessons are located in the Members Only section. You can see a video here showing a PowerPoint lesson. You can learn more about the Members Only section here. The entire printable unit {everything else you see pictured above} is available for FREE on the main RRSP page…
You can download the entire letter Pp unit here.
RRSP Pp lesson plan is also on the same webpage!
Included is our exact plan {although I stray from my plan often}, with links to everything we used. Page 2 is blank in case you don’t do exactly what we do!
{A few things that were in his preschool workboxes for the week, not all activities are pictured}
He worked on his P is for Popcorn Play Doh page…
Colored his P is for penguin color-by-number page. I am sharing the webpage for these even though it is incomplete. You can see the ones I have available currently here.
We made a P is for Penguin alphabet craft…
We practiced writing BIG letters on our easel {it’s from Ikea}
He asked for his Batman Preschool Pack one day so we dug it out and had fun reviewing many of the materials!
We worked with his Alphabet Box again {thanks Counting Coconuts}, using 2 new sounds. I made a HUGE mistake and didn’t think at all about the ending sounds and really confused him with words like: soaP, and souP. Poor guy was so confused when he sounded them out! Isolating beginning and/or ending sounds is hard for him at this stage, so I wish I would have made it less frustrating for him at this point. But we laughed it off and I helped him. I have a video of him working on this coming soon!
The flash cards are from the preschool program {Little Lincoln} he uses through our cyber school {although I don’t write about it because I am not very fond of it and am really doing my own thing as you can tell}. The flash cards are great though and we love using those. When I find time, I will share why I am not entirely fond of the program, I just don’t have time for an in depth post about it now.
He doesn’t often choose blocks on his own; he prefers heroes, swords and such. I “assigned” him Rainbow Blocks time one day and he had a great time building! This was a rocket.
The boys are taking Karate with a local homeschool group and LOVING it!!! I love his little tongue in his cheek, every time he kicks! 😉
More Preschool Links…
- Lesson Planning Sheets
- Raising Rock Stars Preschool Home
- Raising Rock Stars Sample Lesson Page
- Preschool Printables
- Preschool Tools Store
- Behind the Scenes ~ Preschool Workboxes
- Members Only Information
Be sure to visit Preschool Corner to see all of the other amazing home-preschool moms!
Do you have a blog post featuring this unit-RRSP Letter Pp? Link your exact post below, choose a thumbnail showing the program in action for your link!
~any non-RRSP Letter Pp posts will be deleted.