This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every week, just what I happen to catch! We do the entire unit even if I don’t show it here in the photos!
Our letter this week ~ Zz, our verse: Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.
Our new book shelves {picture ledges from Ikea}, now holding our seasonal theme books {top} and RRSP weekly books and word {bottom}
He continues to LOVE coloring his verse!
Can you tell he is proud of his craft?
The Power Point lessons are located in the Members Only section. You can see a video here showing a PowerPoint lesson. You can learn more about the Members Only section here. The entire printable unit {everything else you see pictured above} is available for FREE on the main RRSP page…
You can download the entire letter Zz unit here.
RRSP Zz lesson plan is also on the same webpage! Included is our exact plan, with links to everything we used. Page 2 is blank in case you don’t do exactly what we do! You can download the PDF file on the Zz page!
{A few things that were in his preschool workboxes for the week, not all activities are pictured}
He did one drawing ~ a snow cone, from his Kumon Drawing book this week. He is enjoying this MUCH more and isn’t fighting me at all anymore! He already likes to go back and see his “old” drawings and read his stories!
He made a letter Z with tangrams…
He is REALLY enjoying our ABC Twiggles membership, mostly for the fun stories online. He asks to watch them again and again!
He also enjoys selecting which worksheet he wants me to print, this day he chose a large Z…
Zz’s on a Play Doh mat, this is the first time he did the entire process independently. He was VERY proud of his work!
We did a few fun letter of the week activities. Here he is playing the “Roll a Zebra” game, which he loved!
We are continuing our ABC Crafts, I didn’t get a shot of his adorable zebra.
I picked up this adorable game, Rhyming War, from a bookstore while on vacation a few weeks ago, he LOVED it! First, we laid all of the cards out in rhyming rows and named them all.Then we put them all over the room and I called out a word and the boys took turns finding a word card that rhymed with my word!
This is where I share the 3 special open-ended toys that were in our Star Boxes for the week.
Our 3 STAR boxes for the week: Lacing Beads, Counting Bears, Shape Bean Bags {my mom makes them}, BUT Krash spent his week playing mostly with Magneatos {yes again}, and his new transportation floor puzzles. Ladybug sure enjoyed his Star Boxes though!
Our game this week was Hyper Dash. We simplified the game at first by keeping the targets close and after he really understood the concept, we spread them out and ran around to play! This is a GREAT game for colors, numbers and most importantly-LISTENING SKILLS {which is an area my son needs loads of work in}
See more of our favorite preschool games here.
Krash really loved our special time each day last week. He enjoyed making a fall tree craft, singing apple songs and playing with bells during music time, working on our art project for our sponsored child, and baking muffins with me {these}.
This is where I share games, toys, and life experiences that occur outside of our planned preschool time.
Our easel is a big hit and Krash has been drawing more than normal. He will often walk up and add to a creation that has been started. Here he was coloring in mushrooms Pac had added to our fall tree. ~ yes he has a pink and purple belt tied on his head, he is actually “Zoom” from Hot Wheels Battle Force 5-I can thank the grandparents for his new obsession 😉He added the night sky to this picture Pac had drawn of a jungle ;-).
Our daily reading time is a new favorite for both boys, we rotate the use of the bean bag chair {}, sometimes they even share!
I LOVE walking in on these moments. These are the precious few that are just the icing on the cake of homeschooling!!
Yup, you might have noticed Krash got a major hair cut! This is the shortest his hair has ever been, it was cut at his request. I think he is a cutie either way!!!
More Preschool Links…
- Lesson Planning Sheets
- Raising Rock Stars Preschool Home
- Raising Rock Stars Sample Lesson Page
- Preschool Printables
- Preschool Tools Store
- Behind the Scenes ~ Preschool Workboxes
Be sure to visit Preschool Corner to see all of the other amazing home-preschool moms!