
Transportation Preschool Fun
We added in a Transportation unit recently and I wanted to share the activities Krash enjoyed! We used Jolanthe’s Transportation Preschool Pack and my Cars Preschool Pack for our learning...

Raising Rock Stars Preschool ~ Letter Rr
This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every week,...

Raising Rock Stars Preschool ~ Letter Bb
h e This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part...

Raising Rock Stars Preschool ~ Letter Pp
This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every week,...
What Number Comes Next? {with video}
As I am sure anyone who frequents my blog can guess, Krash is an active child. Active children usually love learning in an active way. I have been doing more...

How to Train Your Dragon Printables ~ Preschool Pack
Awhile back I created a Preschool Pack for Krash based on the movie, “How to Train Your Dragon.” It is a simple set of dragon printables featuring preschool level skills....

Raising Rock Stars Preschool ~ Letter Dd
This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every...

Raising Rock Stars Preschool ~ Letter Ww
This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every...
Education Cubes Fun ~ Working with 2 Children
We have been using our new Education Cubes almost every day around here! They are such a simple tool, that just adds an element of fun and interest to an...
Raising Rock Stars ~ Letter Mm
Sorry for my delay in getting this unit posted! We are going a bit slower with our RRSP lessons currently. Life has been busy and I don’t want to rush...
Raising Rock Stars ~ Jonah
Jonah We continue to read the Bible daily to the kids each morning and have recently been reading the book of Jonah. We weren’t completely done with the story from...

Batman Preschool Pack
Yup, Batman School came to our house! I had one very HAPPY little 4 year old last week!!! I shared the Preschool Pack on Facebook right after I made it...