Are you looking for Homeschool Kindergarten curriculum? One of my favorite parts about our Kindergarten year with Ladybug was our Kindergarten Literature Units. We used 9 different units, all created based on her interests. The units I created are totally free for you to print and use!
Each unit has a sample lesson plan to guide you, as well as printables to expose skills in many different areas {language, math, science, character development, Bible and more}. If you’d like to see what we did alongside of these units, you can see a couple of posts sharing our homeschool Kindergarten journey below.
Think you might want to try a Kindergarten Literature Unit? Below you will find direct links to all of the literature units we have available! The units are listed in the order that my daughter completed them, but you can go in any order you want. Enjoy!
Book: Hi! Mr. Pizza Man
Book: My Cats Nick and Nora
Book: The Selfish Crocodile
Book: A Color of His Own
Book: The Dog Who Had Kittens
Book: Goose
Book: Mr. Cookie Baker
Book: Five Little Chicks