Tot School ~ 22.5 months
~Ladybug is currently 22.5 months old~ We have been out of town for almost 2 week and are all very happy to be back home. I LOVE home. Ladybug was...
Tot School ~ Traveling…
~Ladybug is currently 22.5 months old~ We are down south in our hometown for an amazing event at our home church! The Global Impact Celebration is far beyond anything I...
Tot School ~ 22 months
~Ladybug is currently 22 months old~ We had a great week, although she was mildly sick and whiney for most of it, we still played a LOT! Our schedule...
Tot School ~ 22 Months
~Ladybug is currently 22 months old~ Ladybug had her own little transportation themed week, mainly focused around her beloved Cars! I had this waiting for her when she came...
Tot School ~ 21 1/2 Months
~Ladybug is currently 21.5 months old~ She continued to enjoy playing with her Tot School toys in her princess tent. In this shot you can see her playing with...
Tot School ~ 21 1/2 Months
~Ladybug is currently 21.5 months old~ I tried something new this week with Ladybug. I hid Ladybug’s rotated Tot School toys in her princess tent. She seemed to really...
Tot School ~ 21 Months Old
~Ladybug is currently 21.5 months old~ Ladybug is quite the little block builder and is really enjoying our foam blocks. The boys love when I let them play along...
Tot School
~Ladybug is currently 21 months old~ Ladybug has mastered this puzzle and can do it completely on her own-to my great shock. This is one of our more difficult...
Tot School
~Ladybug is currently 21 months old~ I am not in any official Tot School toy rotation right now, but I am changing out her rotated toys each week in an...
Tot School
~Ladybug is currently 20.5 months old~ Well, Tot School posts sure are easier to put together when I accidentally delete 3 days worth of photos, most of which were of...
Tot School ~ Christmas Fun!
~Ladybug is currently 20.5 months old~ Obviously we haven’t had a normal Tot School week, so I thought I would share some of Ladybug’s favorite Christmas gifts this week! Feel...
Tot School ~ She WALKS!!!!
~Ladybug is currently 20 months old~ We had a pretty normal beginning to our week but by Wednesday BIG things began to happen for Ladybug and thankfully my regular camera...