My daughter is 15 and in 10th grade this year. Below are the 10th-grade homeschool curriculum picks we have made for her! Changes may come, but this is the plan for now.

- 9th Grade
- 8th Grade {8th Grade Year-End Review}
- 7th Grade {7th Grade Year-End Review}
- 6th Grade
- 5th Grade {5th Grade Year-End Review}
- 4th Grade {4th Grade Year-End Review}
- 3rd Grade {3rd Grade Year-End Review}
- 2nd Grade {2nd Grade Year-End Review}
- 1st Grade {1st Grade Year-End Review}
- Kindergarten {K Year-End Review}
- PreK
- Tot School Year 2
- Tot School Year 1
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links are used below}
- Math ~ Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2
- History ~ Notgrass World History
- Science ~ Devotional Biology, Compass Classroom
- English ~
- Literature – Essentials in Literature 10
- Book Study – Screwtape Letters (7 Sisters guide)
- Writing – 10th Grade English (writing lessons), and IEW Elegant Essay
- Grammar – The Perfect English Grammar Workbook: Simple Rules and Quizzes to Master Today’s English
- Vocabulary – The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Simple Lessons and Activities to Teach Yourself Over 1,400 Must-Know Words
- Elective ~Human Development – 7 Sisters
We both really liked 9th grade English on but we didn’t finish the writing chapters for 9th grade so I decided to start with the 10th grade writing chapters from this year for a solid review. After we finish those lessons we will use IEW’s The Elegant Essay. She will use EIL 10 since I already have it. We will focus on the short stories, plays, and poetry. We will skip the novel from EIL 10 since she has already read it and instead read Screwtape Letters using the literature guide from 7 Sisters. I bought a simple grammar workbook from Amazon for daily practice as well as a vocabulary workbook.
We have used Teaching Textbooks from the beginning and it works for us so she will continue and use Algebra 2 this year!
I gave her full choice over this by showing her many different biology options. We own Apologia Biology and Lifepac Biology. I also showed her Guest Hollow, Friendly Biology, Biology 101, and the one she ultimately chose – Devotional Biology, from Compass Classroom. I am thrilled with her pick as I am excited to use it too.
She really wanted a textbook this year so back to Notgrass World History for us! I used this with my oldest and like it so it was a simple decision. She looked at the textbook and layout and made the choice. Easy for me since we own it and I have the plans ready for it!
I am having her do Human Development just like my boys did. We use the curriculum from 7 Sisters for this. We may add another elective later on, just haven’t decided yet.