Rock Stars
Raising Rock Stars ~ The Red Sea
~Sorry for not posting last week, life was just too busy for me to get to it! ;-) The Red Sea We finally made it to the Red Sea! Daddy...
Raising Rock Stars ~ 10 Plagues
10 Plagues I had grand plans, as you will see. They were plans that I just knew both boys would enjoy {loud and interactive}. I do believe they enjoyed them,...
Raising LOVING Rock Stars
LOVE... So, to be really honest, I wasn't planning on a LOVE lesson this week, but I wasn't feeling well and didn't have my 10 plagues stuff together, so I...
Raising Rock Stars ~ Moses & the Burning Bush
Moses & the Burning Bush We had another good week, I think I have learned my lesson. As much as I want to do crafts and creative things, I just...
Raising Rock Stars ~ Baby Moses
Baby Moses Praise God!!!! We had a wonderful family night! After last week’s evening, I really needed this and am so thankful to God for this wonderful and fun evening....
Raising Rock Stars ~ Snowflakes
We began our evening with Daddy reading The Tiny Snowflake to the kids. Ladybug was really into the story and was grabbing at the book the whole time! Thankfully Krash...
Raising Rock Stars ~ Joseph Part 2
We had a VERY simple family night, didn’t even do any reading! Daddy has been reading the story of Joseph each morning to the boys straight from the Bible, so...
Raising Rock Stars ~ Joseph’s Colorful Coat
Joseph {part 1} The Colorful Coat Daddy read the story from The Anytime Bible (LOVE this Bible)… We then moved onto a few lessons to teach the concept of jealousy...
Raising Rocks Stars ~ CHRISTmas…Nativity Story
We read the Christmas story from The Anytime Bible, which continues to be one of our favorite Children's Bibles (my full review is here). We also used our Fisher...
Raising Rock Stars ~ CHRISTmas…Candy Canes
We based our entire family night on Candy Canes! We began by reading the book, J Is for Jesus, which teaches about the symbolism of the candy cane. After...
Raising Rock Stars ~ CHRISTmas…Symbols of Christmas
We were all excited to begin a month of CHRISTmas fun for family Bible time each Sunday night! I have planned 3 different themes and am excited to spend this...
Raising Rock Stars ~ Thanksgiving
We took a week off and did an evening of Thanksgiving ;-) to help the boys prepare for the week ahead! Krash was a bit sick so it was...